Friday, April 30, 2010


It has been some time since I have last updated this blog and with some spare time on my hands I feel it is about time I should do that. Things have change quite a bit since I last written. As of right now, The eco-lodge is on a stand still do to lack of funding as well as recent maintenance needs on the community’s Micro Hydro-electric plant.

This isn’t great news however it has given me and the community opportunities to take advantage of other needs that have to be addressed. As of last month we have began taking the initial steps in order to legalize the community association. This means that we have sat down on more than one occasion to discuss rules and regulations or statutes to agree upon and make into legal writing. We have gone through some revisions but lack some work. Once this is completed we will begin discussing a logo for the organization. I still need to do a bit of research to see if the name of association already exists in the DR and if so, what new name we should come up with. We are definitely in the beginning stages of this process however something is something considering how slow things move around here.

With some help from a religious organization some money is being funneled our way to promote and develop at least 160 organic community gardens throughout this region. With the help of a fellow health volunteer we have organized and given several sessions on maintaining an organic garden as well as what vitamins and minerals can be found within specific fruits and vegetables. We have also given health sessions on identifying mal nutrition and proper development of motor function skills in the ages of 0-6 years of age.

Through this same organization and their funding, I am also traveling frequently to the city of Santiago to teach business to Haitians interested in opening a micro-business. With that being said, I will receive Creole training in May in a Batey located in Barahona. I definitely look forward to this course as it should facilitate my classes as well as open new opportunities throughout my service.

There is a nationwide competition hosted by Peace Corps and Plan International along with local universities called “Construye Tus Sueños” . This is basically a business plan competition open to young adults interested in starting a micro business. Peace Corps and Business volunteers have created a 6 month intensive course to prepare students and train them in planning a business using basic business practices. As of last month I have started giving this class every Sunday and shall give them until the month of July. Sometime in August my students will submit their plans and If approved will go on to the competition round. The winner of the competition basically gets funding to take off their dream business. These courses have really integrated me into the youth of this region. I have had a pretty strong relationship with the kids in my community however now I have ties with a good majority of the kids in the municipal district.

My next big goal is to begin preparing a latrine/sanitation project proposal. I have a design but am still awaiting a census to see the number of latrines needed in the region. Sometime in the next few weeks I plan on going to several hardware stores and getting quotes on needed materials. We are currently in congressional election season and this is the perfect time to begin asking politicians for money (As cheap as that may sound). Of course I do not have my heart set on this so I will also be applying to as many grants possible, considering there are probably a considerable amount of latrines needed within the 8 communities I would like to aide. We shall see how things go. As more time elapses in my site, I feel more determined and feel more pressure to get something big done. These people have been nothing but incredible to me and are truly a family.

This about sums up the major events that have taken place in the last few months. Pictures to come! Much love and happiness to all J
